
.of HOPE. INSPIRATION. DREAMS. and the COURAGE to ACT on them.

'Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." - Albert Einstein

Monday, 14 April 2014

Blessing or a curse?

Always acknowledge your successes, always celebrate it. When you downplay your success the universe will no longer give you more because you don't enjoy having success.*

Same principle goes with anything in life!

Appreciate everything you want more of!

If you want more love, love LOVE. Love and bless the ones who display the attributes of love best in your life.

If you want more money, bless and model the rich and successful.

If you want more happiness, bless and learn from the happiest.

Do not learn from the people who are BROKE! (Harv voice!) Do not learn from people who are unsuccessful and do not learn from people who do not walk their talk! Credibility! Integrity! As Harv says, your word has to be gold. He tells me that I must do what I say and say what I do, otherwise where is my integrity!

And always...ALWAYS, acknowledge all your sources as Blair Singer says. Any source that has contributed to your success, not acknowledged is like a crime against them. You've robbed them of credits due to them! Do NOT DO THAT. Imagine a movie being made about your life, and you weren't even thanked for living...and someone made that movie and got all the credit for your living!!?!? **

And when you're in the receiving end of that success...say thank you. Don't deflect! Be a good receiver. When you're the source being thanked, appreciate the gratitude! Harv must be so proud of me now, and angry Norman...I am a good receiver! You are welcome to take the bill anytime...large or small, and I won't feel bad anymore! I will look you in the eyes and appreciate your kind gesture by saying thank you. I won't abuse you because I appreciate you.

So it's Monday and I need to get out of bed and go to my amazing new job :).  Have a great week!

Be happy, healthy, loving, thankful.

Yours in eternal happiness and gratitude and most of the above! lol.

With love, always 



* - IF you do not appreciate what's been given to you, God will take it away. Even what you have will be taken from you! #parable of Talents (Google: Bible Verse)

** - Thank God for your life, not yourself. Because you're not a creator of life, but of things.

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