
.of HOPE. INSPIRATION. DREAMS. and the COURAGE to ACT on them.

'Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." - Albert Einstein

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Chasing Rainbows

It has taken me a long time to think through what I want to say with this blog post. Today, I’ve finally found the words…let’s hope I get the direction right. So here goes! *winks*

Donna, Donna Chiang…

  1. 1.     Who are you?
  2. 2.     Where am I?
  3. 3.     Why are you here?
  4. 4.     What are you doing?
  5. 5.     When are you going to realise you?
  6. 6.     How…

People who’ve known me all my life, or more than a day…have started to notice a change. Most people think I’ve lost my marbles, and don’t quite understand what I’m up to. I am most amused when I watch my family scrambling around trying to understand if I need some help – not that I do what I do intentionally. It’s just been so hard to hide my excitement!  In my excitement, my mom has fed me so much fish, in the hopes that I will find my lost brain cells. My mom is the cutest…and my biggest blessing…and this is where I shall start…

1.     Who am I?

This is the universal question. We ponder all our lives, in search of an identity that would provide us meaning and joy – an identity that will give us purpose and direction – an identity that is socially acceptable – that speaks of a person that may achieve some level of success.

We mimic someone else, because it is easier to define ourselves by someone else who has established themselves. We “fake it ‘til we make it”. And for some odd reason, if we don’t make it…do we stop faking it? And if we “make it”, do we have the courage to unveil our true selves? Do we even still remember who we really are by then?

I am re-reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, and he is a firm believer of this idea: That the thing, the answer we’ve been looking for our lives, lies within us. We just need to be willing to look inside. I am a believer too. Children are born knowing, and through time, society teaches them that they no longer know - who they are and who they really want to be.

World, I have a message for you:

Open your eyes! Open your ears! Open your heart! When you are lost, remember where you came from. When you appreciate the value of your roots, that’s when you build the foundation of who you are. You cannot build a foundation without recognizing your past. You can choose to discard it, or add to it, but if you bury your past…as they say, the past will come to bite you.

2.     Where am I?

If you don’t appreciate where you are, or where you come from, you will never appreciate where you are going. The grass is never greener on the other side. If you’re always chasing fulfilment in the hands of others...my friend, you will be sorely disappointed.

The power lies in you. The here, the now. The grass is greener here, if you choose to water it!
3.     Why am I here?

Most children at a certain age, will discover the power of the question: WHY? And they will carry on like an annoying seagull, until the parents have run out of steam.

Mark Twain once said:

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.”
When you’ve realised your WHY, your PURPOSE…EVERYTHING falls into place. YOUR WHY should be the reason that wakes you up in the morning, brings a smile to your face, makes you want to be better, makes you want to work harder, gives you happiness, gives you fulfilment, and gives you a very important identity and direction.

4.     WHAT am I doing?

I don’t really know half the time, until I have realised that I’ve wasted a lot of time doing the wrong thing, or re-doing something because I didn’t understand what I was doing at the time. It’s okay not to always know what you’re doing, but it’s NEVER okay to JUST do something without thinking about the consequences first!
When act without thought, you potentially harm yourself and others. This is why we have brains, as My Helper says. We can replace a beating heart, but we can never replace someone’s brain. It is the seat of intelligence, use it! Use it or lose it! Your brain is not just a free tenant in your head!

When you’re doing something, remember to be present. There’s nothing worse when you’re engaged in an activity and you’re already thinking about something in the future, and stressing about how you should plan for it…or conversely, thinking about something in the past, and beating yourself up about something you should or shouldn’t have done.

The greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of the present. That is why it is called the PRESENT!
5.     When am I going to put into action my purpose and plan, and manifest my results?

They say that the distance between your dreams and your results, is ACTION. It is true. When you don’t take an active step to do the things important to you, those things that you want…will always just be a wish. If you don’t act towards your dreams and what’s important to you, no one else will.

Take ownership of your life! It only takes 20 seconds of insane courage! And when you’ve started…my oh my…the rest will be behind you. Just keep the momentum going, keep swimming, keep rolling with the punches, keep running, keep being, keep hoping, until you run through the finish line.

There was a line in EAT PRAY LOVE that goes: There was a man who kept praying: “Lord, Lord, please let me win the Lotto.” This man kept praying like this for a few months, until the Lord spoke to him and said: “My son, please buy yourself a lotto ticket.”

If you’re not willing to help yourself, no one else will.
6.     How…do I get there? How do I do it?

We as a society keep focusing on the technical skills at the cost of the why. If you don’t have a purpose or a direction to your journey…you can be the best driver, the best sailor, the best pilot, the best athlete, but you will never get where you want to be…because you don’t know where you’re going. If you don’t know WHY you’re doing what you’re doing, you will give up when the going gets tough!

So be mindful of all the other questions before you embark on how. HOW is important, but not at the cost of the others. If you only focus on HOW do I get rich, HOW do I get financial freedom, HOW do I get an amazing body…without understanding why it’s important to you, your victories will be very short-lived, and be very meaningless.

Okay! So if you’re still wondering if this is all I wanted to say….after being so vague about myself…fear not, read further. I just wanted to get the important stuff out of the way first, before I get too personal. Brace yourselves!

Donna, Donna Chiang…

  1. 1.     Who are you?
  2. 2.     Where are you?
  3. 3.     Why are you here?
  4. 4.     What are you doing?
  5. 5.     When are you going to realise you?
  6. 6.     How…

Donna Donna…is a lady. She is someone who has learned to find her voice after struggling with her own insecurities for the longest time. She has learned to overcome. She has learnt to appreciate who is by understanding her roots. She is a Chartered Accountant. She works very hard for what she believes in. She is honest, sometimes forgetful. She sees beauty. She sees the best in people. She…is passionate about success, about inspiring herself and the people around her…even more so is her compassion for others! Her passion to make a difference, and live a meaningful and fulfilled life! She…is a child of God. And hopes that she will magnify His will, in her life. She thinks before she acts. She always acts with integrity.

Donna is proudly South African, and an ambassador of the world! She lives in Johannesburg, the City of Gold…the city that is the melting pot of all cultures. The city that is the gateway to the rest of Africa. The hub of African Trade. She is in the centre of the world, watching…as the world enters…and she prepares for her moment…by appreciating her roots, her past, her present, her future paths and plans.

Why is she here? She is here to help the hopeless youth of South Africa. The ticking timebomb. She is here to help others who need someone to believe in them, before they believe in themselves. She is here to be happy, and in so doing, create happiness for others. Rainbows. She encourages, she heals. She is here to magnify the power within her, created by God, and in so doing, give others permission to do the same. She is here to create a better life for all….She is here to inspire others to be better, and most of all…to inspire herself, to live the best life she can live.

What is she doing? Sometimes she doesn’t know. What she does know…is that wherever she goes, whomever she meets, she strives to always add value! *winks* and a *smile*!

When is she going to start her master plan of realising her WHY? The time is NOW. In whatever big way or small, she takes a step to her ultimate dream. Her dream of uniting people to their dreams, of uniting people to their talents, uniting people to their voices, uniting people to their purpose, uniting people to each other!

How….well, that doesn’t matter so much for now, does it? If it matters to you…visit the links below. I recommend starting with Success Resources, going to T. Harv to get you thinking like a rich man, and Blair Singer and Roger Hamilton to pull out your talents, Harv and his team will set you up with the other technical know hows ;).

Before I end off this really long post, I’d like to take a moment to thank the people who have added so much to my journey. You will see more of them on my later posts…but for now, I just want to appreciate you:

My Si-Fu. My Centre. My Jack Frost. My Oracle. My New Best friend (who is no longer on probation – yes! You’re permanent now ;).

My Angels. We’ve decided to call each other Charlie’s Angels. There’s 3, and we’re awaiting the return of Angel #1, and Charlie.

My Partner in Crime. Mogatu. Spiderman. The Trustee. My Person. My Zen Custodian.

My Impi’s! For giving me Warrior cred!

My Counsellor. My Helper. My Happy Church family.

My Dads – My Rich Dad, Spiritual Dad, Wise Dad.

My Big Bros – I know you will bounce off any guy who shouldn’t be around…aherm! *winks*

My Sisters – for always being the wind beneath my wings.

My Dad – For always believing in me, and always having the patience to let me be who I need to be. For having the heart for others. For always giving of yourself.

My Mom – For sacrificing everything for me. You are the greatest woman I will ever know. Your love and your perseverance knows no bounds. You are my best role model. You may not know it yet, but you are wiser than what society recognizes. Mom, thank you for always grounding me, when I find myself floating.

My Mentees. The rest of my family and friends whom I've yet to find names for…:)…for always inspiring me to be better for you.

Thank you for being in my life. For being you. For accepting me for me. Without you, my little village of support, I would lose myself to the darkest holes of doubt and fear and sorrow.

Last but not least….Veronica and Richard Tan from Success Resources, T. Harv Eker and his amazing team, Blair Singer, Dr Rohan Weerisinghe, Ryan Pinnick, Roger Hamilton, Robert Kiyosaki, Les Brown, Clem Sunter…you have added so much to my life. In ways you can’t even begin to describe! I guess…all that waits…is what fruits I produce, with my strengthened roots ;).

In true, T.Harv Eker Style…. “We’ll see!” *winks*


Donna Chiang

“Aqua Diva”

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