
.of HOPE. INSPIRATION. DREAMS. and the COURAGE to ACT on them.

'Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." - Albert Einstein

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Miracles happen

It's the end of a very emotional day....

I've cried like a baby for the most part of today ...because what I really want to do is happening before my own eyes. I get so touched every time I think about it...tears still pour down my face. 

'Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things will be given into you...halle-Lu-Halle-Lu-yahhh'

[When you why is strong enough, your intentions are clear, and the manifestations are real] - T.Harv Eker

Power of now- be fully present 

Right place right time right person. - #mmi

Open and honest.

Zen saying, "when the student is ready, the master will reveal himself..." From Master Ho

If you are not watching and waiting, you cannot bear witness to the miracles around you. I suddenly woke up at 4.20am this morning to discover that! 

Thank you God! Thank you universe! Thank you to all those who love and care for me! Thank you to all the messengers of inspiration.

Lastly...my mastermind group...thank you for being there every step of the way...

Took some time out to just contemplate and enjoy this flood of joy. I hope I have not scared off too many of my friends...just know that it's coming from a good place.

Gonna sleep like such a baby today.

Can't wait! 

Thank you to my two big Bro's for dishing me the hugs I needed. 

Gonna be smiling through my dreams :)

God...I love you. Feeling so enlightened.

Til next time...rmb that whoever you are, wherever you are, if there is a will...God will find a way. Just believe...wholeheartedly.

Love always

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