
.of HOPE. INSPIRATION. DREAMS. and the COURAGE to ACT on them.

'Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." - Albert Einstein

Thursday, 6 March 2014


Wow. Today was a bit of a mission. Kinda promised things to a lot of people, so the pace that I had to drive needed to be a bit quick. I didn’t have time to speak to all the people I wanted to speak to…But because Harv has taught me how to honour commitments. I do what I say and I say what I do. *hands on hearts??*….OOooo….And! 80% of successes is JUST SHOWING UP!! I’m starting to realise how important it is to show up in life. If you don’t …people get the feeling that you can’t be relied upon.

I also realised today…that I need to start monitoring my own energy. As Harv says, everything is energy and energy is everything…(I think?). Hmm….I’m a positive person. I’ve always been. The eternal optimist. A lot of people in my life are realists. Logic over reason. How instead of why…and in the career that I have had to pursue, in aiding the dream of my parents…I’ve discovered that I do not have the talent for numbers. You can teach me a principle and I can understand it….but start putting rules to it?!? And I will forget each and every rule…and…the how…..how do you do it?? I don’t know.

If I focus on those things I’m not good at, which is the how…and the rules…I get a bit lost. Some people will start getting irritated that I’m getting lost, and I smile and pretend like I’m following…because they need to be somewhere, and I am hindering them. I don’t know. I think….overtime, I’ve discovered that patience is no longer a value that is VALUED at all….because all the people in the world want to get there faster…and their HOW is a bit of a problem. HOW can they get those shiny things and show the world they should be valued?? HOW can they get those things NOW? NOW? NOW!!! …..It’s a problem. I see brilliance everywhere. And yet people who don’t know how to appreciate…the so-called shiny things, want them now. They don’t know why they want them. They just do…and they are willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen….so they resort to theft. How else would you get what you want when you don’t have the job? You don’t have the skills? You don’t have the money? You don’t have the connections/facilities available to solve your problem?

I’ve been lost before. In an adventure with a former friend ( I don’t know yet if she wants to still be my friend…but it’s okay. She needs some space to discover what is important, and who is important and what she should probably channel things in her life….instead of wanting other people to maintain her happiness….I’m still trying to understand why God put her in my life. I don’t know why…but I’m thankful that He did…because through her…I learned to come out of my shell a little…to start seeing the world a little, even though we may have been looking for the wrong things). I hope she is okay. I don’t know. And I’m….a bit too scared to ask. For now. When she’s ready. A friend told me….a TRUE friend, no matter what you say or do….WILL come around. I hope she does…if she ever decides to return. A truly amazing person, who has been misunderstood…which includes me. My job was supposed to be her friend…and I feel like I failed her. Little voice….Maybe there was a reason for the falling out, or the space. Maybe we were trying to find the solution too quickly? Who knows?

So…anyways…I was starting to think about speed. Due to the number of things I had to do today, I had to rush. Due to my WHY….I had to ensure things were done in a proper fashion. I need to learn to be the person I want to be. Start introducing habits of a successful person. As I said, HARV says….80% of successes, is JUST showing UP! What is it? Just….SHOWING UP.

SO….I thought about my interviews as my contract with my articles employer was starting to come to an end. And I met a couple of people who interviewed me…I don’t know why I went, because banks don’t really speak to me. The image is a cold, driven, unbalanced life…with strict rules, discipline…freedom-compromised…flexibility-compromised…to accomplish what the world needs – a House where money can be kept, safeguarded. Protected. People you can depend on, rely on and….who take life veryyyyy very veryyyyyyyyyyyyy very verrrrryyyyyy….SERIOUSLY. I suppose that’s why they were hesitant to take me on board. My potential boss didn’t explain to me why…but maybe that’s why. Because…I needed some space from…being pushed to work, work, work…without having necessary breaks to….connect with friends, connect with my health, connect with…my purpose…and….finally…connect with me.
Who am I? ……………………..I think I’m still discovering that answer. I think there is reason why…this process is a bit slow. If I had to discover the answer NOW…then maybe I’d probably reach the stage where my life…should um….be….be….departed? I don’t want to frighten anyone. It was just a thought.
I have recently discovered…something at a useful seminar…what an amazing experience. WOW! Mr Blair Singer, Sir. Ha…..I showed you my pic, and you just went hum…..I don’t know what that meant….I hope it was a good hummm?? Lol. Uhhhh….Well, what I said to you was this: That I am thankful for having a role model like you. Could I possibly attach…EXCELLENT, to that statement, without making you feel like I am putting you on a pedestal? I have learnt not to put people on pedestals anymore….because once you think they are perfect, and no change is required…that’s….when things start to fall apart. I do believe that Mr Blair is an EXCELLENT man. And I bless his soul, and…God…and…the people that work with him, for allowing him to make his way to my new-ish home? It has helped a lot with his presence. Realllly. It has. He taught me sooooooooo many things. I don’t know if I should go into it in detail now….but…one thing stood out to me. And it was this….You need to LEARN what you want to TEACH. I didn’t know what he quite meant by this initially…Don’t we need to perfect the learning process, and then….pump out the teachings into the students heads?? No…he said. Hmmm….

And then someone asked about the word UNDER-STAND…I broke it up because, we were analysing the word. The question was this: UNDERSTAND is a really condescending word…because you need to stand under the teachings…under the teacher I suppose…I’m sorry if I’m sharing it with the world, and haven’t attached your name here, sir. If you would like to attach your name, I’d gladly do so. I don’t believe in robbing people of credit…especially when it’s due. That’s when I started understanding the value of questions…Do I ask enough questions? I clearly don’t because….I don’t like to disturb the tone of my environment. I don’t like to feel like I don’t know something…which obviously is something….that was an experience associated in the past.

Perhaps a teacher in one of my schools didn’t understand the value of context. Context over content. Context….CONTEXT is ALWAYS more important than content. Hmm….I think…I’m pretty good at CONTEXT. CoNTENT…I’m still getting a handle of. CONTEXT is definitely more important than CONTENT. Because…CONTENT is data. Data….which isn’t always universal. I may prefer certain data than others…and I believe certain other ones to be more true than others. But…it may be opinion, it may be fact, proof….is in the results. That’s why….every promise needs to have a result. If you don’t have a result…you shouldn’t make your promise…because once you break your promise…you break your integrity.

Integrity. What an interesting story. I have discovered mr INTEGRITY. I think he knows who he is J. He is a special person. But he has been hurt too much by people who disappoint him, even though he is passionate about his work and is striving for EXCELLENCE. PERFECTION. The point is he…is good at what he does. But he has been so disheartened by the people he has been dealing with that he has lost faith in the basic nature of mankind. Which I believe to be very very very…or…I hope to be at least…TRUE….Mankind is innately good. Unless, they’ve been driven to darkness…..and can’t find their way out. It’s a bit of a problem…because you’re in the dark, and the dark doesn’t empower you. It only makes you even more lost. So…at some point people need to decide what they are. Are they attracted to Light? Or dark? I’m sure there is a purpose to both aspects. ….kinda still looking for an answer. Why dark, when you really just want light….and clarity. A light to your path…as the Bible suggests, to discover God’s purpose for you….Or a path to the dark….where you completely immerse yourself into an unknown world, potentially lose yourself (hmmm…mr Slim Shady? Rings a bell). Hm….pro’s and cons. There are bad people in the world. And you and….I MUST be a little bit cautious and careful. That’s were speed is important. If you run with BAD people, the momentum might not be able pull you back to the light. Because…bad people….I stand to be corrected. Bad people….don’t have good intentions. Bad people hide something. Do they hide their intentions? Is that why they don’t look into your eyes when they speak? ORRRR….are they trying to hide their substance which is unformed. Is it really unformed? Well…I have been unformed until I started my journey with Mr Eker….Mr Mandossian…Mr…Courtney Smith….Mr….BLAIR SINGER. Hm…I wonder why your name is SINGER? (sorry, side tracked – my bad.)

My surname is…CHIANG. Which is a direct phonetic interpretation of the Mandarin word…(have to google, if you want to learn)…Dam (I Think – a body of water). Lol. Dayem. Dayem Girl…I’m Aquarius…Thinking I’m closer to finding what my optimum state is. For those of you who don’t understand what that means….Please contact success resources….they are a centre of EXCELLENCE. With a POWER woman like Mrs Veronica Tan, with sooooooooo much HEART….and SOOOOOO much patience. What did you gain when you came to SA? You didn’t need the money….but you did. You recognised the problem and you came to help. To me… You are, a centre of HONOR…EXCELLENCE….GENEROSITY…and….a GOOD and GENUINE heart. I haven’t talked to you much…but I think I have a feeling. Maybe one day….we can meet and chat. And perhaps, when I finally land in Singapore to visit my dear CHURCH friends….I can tell you why I LOVE Singapore. Singapore….Singapore Airlines…Singapore Teachers….Singapore Government. Now that! Is definitely a mirror of paradise. Safe. Clean. Efficent. Questionable pace. Questionable belief. But…at least the environment is condusive to growth, expansion…and perfection. God bless you.

Hmm….someone once told me that Singapore hasn’t yet been labelled a developed country. Not sure if it is true. Not sure why. But I think it’s a humbling concept. Why would you be developed? More developed than others? Maybe….I recognise…and have learned that Singapore values their teachers. Looks after their honourable teachers…who do the most important and the most fulfilling job in the world….which is to educate. Edu---cor/car…can’t rmb. Mr Singer knows. Italics…no. my bad. Um…sorry for thinking out loud. Listen if you have the time. But….honestly….I don’t care….anymore….Thank you sir for teaching me exactly that. Not to care too much…because it affects me sooooooo significantly. Thankfully I’ve started accumulating people in my life that will help me iron that problem out. To be alittle less sensitive….especially tooooo things like pollen…which is magic….sigh.

Oh ya! Edu---car? Latin for educate…not to push in, which is what the world is doing today…because they cannot accept each other’s teachings. Instead….if you search hard enough…You will maybe find…maybe depending on your personality….that it means….to….extract a teaching. And that doesn’t happen when you trying to pump it into a full glass with a lot of trash…baggage….pride….and wrongful intentions. People want to protect themselves from evil. I understand that. But at what cost?

My whole life….i’ve been sheltered. Super super sheltered. I think my parents know this because they have been misunderstood and harmed….and…..hurt…and the pain is still there….which is why I was forced to live their dream instead of mine. But….anyways. I’m learning to start to heal. Finally. And finally let go of the baggage I was trying to hide from the world. The baggage, that I’ve been carrying all my life….that has been getting heavier and heavier with each person I meet. I can’t carry this load alone. People ask me what? Why? And expect an answer immediately as to why I’m now doing what I’m doing….I don’t know. Pshhhhh…..I’m on my own mission. I have decided enough is enough. I am taking control of my inner world and my outer world. I am a leader of my own life. I live what I believe in. I surround myself with people who care about me and wish me to succeed. I’m parking some responsibilities now…because…even though I have the energy now…I’ve discovered I’m getting toooo scatterd. I can’t sleep. People struggle to follow. I don’t really know where I’m going….but I’m going somewhere. Just have faith….that if you are in the dark, one day I’ll find you…and show you some light J. For now…just be patient and wait. I have carried other people’s interest before mine for farrr farr farrrrrrr too long….and I need to start healing myself. I need to start finding myself. I need to start figuring out where I wanna go. I’m qualified now as a CA. I don’t know I should still pursue something in that field…because it requires so much effort for me for so little results…at the cost of balance. I am putting myself first now. When I am happy with me. I will find you and help you to find your happinesss….because my happiness is definitely dependent on your happiness…..hmmmmm…..
I surround myself with positive people. ALWAYS. Negative people. ….skeptics….I don’t know if I can handle you right now. I don’t know if you will handle me either. So let’s not chat for a bit….maybe I will have an agent find you, who is a little happier than me, so that they can transfer a bit of positivity to you. I am going to learn to protect myself now…from people who don’t have my own interests at heart. I am done with being hurt so much. My spirt….my soul….can’t handle it.

South Africa needs hope. South Africa needs….power, especially in the failed power stations, failed state…as Clem Sunter may have put it. America….values entrepreneurs….who are problem solvers….America celebrates them. Rolls out the red carpet….it all looks like a movie, and doesn’t look like it’s possible….especially in a country with constant power outages, people who have stopped caring, because the value add……is being so compromised in this country. You want to start somewhere….but where…..The Glen? I dono…I was there today, and the power was out. It was a very different experience. It was a new place for me….dono if it is safe…cos its very far out of my comfort zone…but I had to meet someone. He looked after me….and I thank him for that. He showed me some options/projects/potential stuff he could embark on…and I’m super super super excited. I just need to know where to channel my energy. Calm down a little before I burn out, and light myself on fire…..when I’m trying to sell an idea to the wrong market, to the wrong….people…people who don’t want to listen. People who don’t like change. People who have been too comfortable for too long….people who….think they are better than others (justifiably so in some more than others…but at a cost)…this culture of comfort….needs to be revisited….being comfortable doesn’t allow you to move. To improve to strive for excellence. To be the best you can be. To be….an inspiration…to be who you really are…toooo be…..someone someone else can respect….

Chasing for the right goals not the right results. Chasing happiness and money are funny things…because you fall over….more often than not. Hm….where do I begin chasing my tail? Clarity is key. It leads to results….and…when you are ready you will find what you are looking for. Timing….is key. Don’t rush….cos you may trip and fall…and cost someone else. Be kind. Be kind to yourself. FIRST. Especially when you want to help others tooo….FIRST heal yourself, and then heal the others….The reason being….if you are broken…you are only passing on the broken energy to someone else, and they will find darkness…which will affect you….trust me. I know. Ive been there.

Please…Please please…just clarify what you want out of this short….and…quizzical life…of tons of misunderstanding, mistrust, miscommunication, mismanagement, missssssing the boat….completely.
Chat to someone. Don’t sit forever…..but choose the correct speed….because you may burn out. You will reach your goal…but will you be fulfilled….I dono. I really don’t. Still finding that out…and am awaiting a CERTAIN MR Genius expert…..Ryan Pinnick. When you are ready….I think I may be ready to chat. I just need to probably find my….new boss at the company that claims they have the blue print for success….aherm. lol. Yes, they did help me find myself a little with a very biggggg push. But there is still stuff to be improved. And….and I think…or I have a feeling that they may help….but whoo to ask….who……if anyone? Sigh. Mr Oppperrrrrmmannnnnnnnnnn??? Hm…..ya.

So. Today’s lesson:

Walk…slow and steady. (your pace really matters, because you may step on the wrong person…accidentally)
Walk….with caution.
Walk…with purpose….
Walk….with a mission…
Walk………with…acknowledgement of your own flaws. Because. Once you acknowledge your weaknesses….it will become your strength somehowwww…... Because you’re enabling someone to help you. Our world….is in need of helpers. Enablers. People who dream. Who believe. In magic. Who……are willing to take a risk. To lose out maybe? For the common good….tooooooo…walk together…..to walk….with purpose…to walk with someone….to walk with the right person….to talk to the right person….to find the right person(for them)….and to….help save the world – to help heal the exuding unhappiness that is all over….alll over our polluted planet. I’m going green. I’ve decided my unborn children deserve at least a fair chance of surviving….so…I am sorry if I don’t support unhealthy beliefs anymore. It is a personal choice. You just must choose.

If you have found the right problem….you are closer to the solution than you think. Perhaps the next question is this…what now? What to do?...don’t think about that….the little voice…needs a little handle. Mr Singer will tell you about that. But the little voice! You need a beatdown sometimes! Pewww pewwww….powwwww…(at the risk of being socially unacceptable)….well….
I want to leave you with a quote: or maybe two….let’s see…
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” –Marianne Williamson

“If you want to go fast, walk alone.  If you want to go far, walk together”. – African proverb.

(superrrrr amazing!!!!!! I love love love love lovvvvvve IT! Magic. Key is you have to walk with someone if you ever want any answers to anything….to observe…discuss…create success-like habits….to…see what you can’t see…and two minds….as the MMI team promote….or was it….hm….well…it was….Two heads are better than one. I have started living it….and it is pure magic! I think wherever I go now…I will walk with someone. For me, for them, for…where….for….why…..for….someone…..something….for….and idea….for….the magic of INSPIRATION…..)

Hm….Is the project ready yet? Is South Africa READY to be inspired by true leaders…who have committed to excellence. Honour. Results. Accountability. Transparency…..tooooo….start breaking down the walls of mistrust and misunderstanding. Toooo…finally start seeing the light. The solution. The hope…be steady south Africa. Don’t rush….cos if you rush…you may stumble and fall….just breatheeeee…..walk….chat….think….listen…..speak….hm….and listen to the beat of the African drum. Because Johannesburg is definitely my melting pot of diversity. I love jo-burg. It is my home. I belong here…..I’ve searched for soooo so sooooo long. I am learning to be a better receiver….which your people…maybe the Congolese, understand more about. But my culture – the Taiwanese. We are the givers. Have you eaten? My parents would say. Hmmmmm….I dono….uhhh lol….do you even have FOOD???

I suppose it all starts somewhere…with someone…..with…something….but…your intentions. They have to be pure…the world is tooo polluted as it is. I am appreciating my water bottle filter. What magic it is given me…and my meal replacement drink. Thank you Missus Herbal-ish….Helper…ish….Networker. I’m really lucky you found me. God-send.

What now?

What is my next mission…..? Where will I be able to gain entry? Will they allow me in? and Why? Do they have a problem that I can solve….If I’m bored I may start involving myself in less….meaningful….productive habits….that would cause unhappiness to others….as my sponsor….to my self-abuser habit says….Donna!!! Just keep things simple! Take one step at a time! Just talk to someone! Just breathe….My new best friend. I’m glad we found each other. Even though you are kinda (and me too), under probation. Lol. Aherm. Yeahhhh….at least my person has met you. I hope you add value to each other’s lives J. I believe in magic. And I think it’s gonna happen….

Especially….if goodness has found its way to the dark depths of the African problem. The hopelessness around the poor, unemployed, the disempowerd, the excluded, the misunderstood…youth of SA. If…you’re still tuned to this problem….i’m still looking into it….At the saica event, they said….or was it a pamphlet…? If SA youth, by the age of 24 haven’t found employment…70% will never find employment….poverty. is rife. Hope is at stake. What to do? * breathe* where to goooo? Who to help?....hm….and who will be able to let themselves trust me?

I understand the problem or the root of it now….Unhappiness. I want to correct it….But I kind of need to find someone to help me. I don’t like…to walk alone.

Someone once said….oh. Wikipedia says this:
"I don't suppose even Caron could tell you the difference between material and spiritual," said Max, shrugging his shoulders. "He certainly doesn't practise his precepts, but I suppose the Patron meant that if you give a man a fish he is hungry again in an hour. If you teach him to catch a fish you do him a good turn. But these very elementary principles are apt to clash with the leisure of the cultivated classes. Will Mr. Bagginal now produce his ticket—the result of favour and the unjust sub-division of spiritual environments?" said Du Parc, with a smile.

I need to move. With purpose. Direction. Take action or I won’t see results. I need to teach what I need to be an expert on. And that…for now….is Happiness! Happiness factory. If anyone wants to steal that Idea…you’re welcome to. Cos I can’t seem to focus right now. I need to control my energy before the fire within goes up in flames, and I don’t reach the moon like NASA did. So….one step at a time. One person at a time. 

One….problem at a time.
I am learning to appreciate. Be a good receiver. Thank you Mr Norman Sir! You called me on my bad habits. It costed me. I think that was you? I dono….but THANK YOU!!! I think you are going to change my life for the good. I suppose we will see….
I just need to take action with one thing now! See results…and let that fuel the fire to reach my dream destination.

Hm…..wellll….thats it from me now….over and out. I really need to calm down. Be comfortable in my own skin. In my own problems. In my own weaknesses, to allow myself to see the problems in others. So that….I can…Make a Difference. Inspire. Be a success! A leader. A teacher. A student. A mentor. A coach. A fulfilled and happy person. Will I be happy or more happy? Time will tell…I’m a slow learner..so be patient. I need to start learning how to monetize my ideas and learn how to use the subscribe function on this site. Maybe another day…..

I’m tired now. So….That’s me. Good night all. I hope some of you have started thinking and writing down what you want out of life. It is a short journey, and the matters are urgent. Life will pass you by if you don’t take action, don’t speak to someone, don’t add value to someone else’s life…you need to search deep deep deeeeeep down within. Maybe there’s an answer when you’re ready to change for the better. The little voice? Hm….what are you there to do for me now?

Lookin forward to Mr Singer’s book….Little Voice Mastery.
Loving….Zedd – Find You – ft. Matthew Koma & Miriam Bryant
One last thing…
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Hm…that has been what has been happening to me my whole life. And I’m ready to find my genius. I think?
Pauly said he saw music in me….even though I dono how to count out the quavers and the crotchets. Uhhhh…..welll. I will save that story for another day.
Over and out.
Tomoro is another day.

Amen to people who love and care for me. God bless you.

Just one other thing. I have recognised that I am a blank canvas. So…forgetful….so…I am going to let that weakness work for me….so…don’t ask me about specifics, cos I won’t know or remember. Ask me the right questions? And I will direct you to the right answers…because I am still learning and I will make mistakes ….and I am not taking the risk of crucifying anyone anywhere. Cos….that is NOT my mission. I am NOT that person.

Oh! And if you have a chance please support my friends at Charles and Keith in the Glen shopping centre. That shop…is magic! The dream needs to just be protected by the right people…who….Singapore! You are amazing, but you need to allow people to protect your dreams because this is Africa. Learn to receive my friends – learn to receive with open arms – the help of others. Because I truly truly want your product to grow and launch like a rocket…..and eventually open one close to where I live….Please? You know where I am.

So that concludes today….tomorrow….i was told….I need to start something to show people what my worth was, dig deep….seeding….hm…start one thing. Think big start small. Just do it. Have faith. Breathe. Maybe I’m looking for pockets of excellence…but I dono if SA is ready yet….the red tape. Hmm….The governance of our country….where are we going? I hope it’s a good place. Even tho I am prepared to get lost. In it. Kinda broke now…and I need to monetize quickly before I fizzle out my buzz. So….goodnight.

Oh! Sloppy success is better than perfect mediocrity! Who said that? Forgot. Ah. Mr Mandossian. Sir. Hi 5! Goodnight everybody.

1 comment:

  1. Girrrrl. This was one long ass post. I'll finish it later, but wanted to say quickly that as much as honouring promises is important, it's also important to know your limits and not over-commit.Rushing around at high speed may eventually cause detriment to you and those around you. But I'm happy there is purpose to where you are going.
    And as a side note, Singapore has been named the most expensive city/country to inhabit, so I don't know who said they're not developed - that's kind of bull in my humble opinion.
