I woke up this morning fistpumping to Zedd’s Clarity. Amazing track!
That’s how I start my mornings nowadays. Start High, end HIGH! It’s been an
amazing, action packed week. The fact that I haven’t posted anything in the
week, goes to show you that the buzzing mind has finally settled in a
comfortable cozy place…and found peace in sleep once more. It is still happy…and
still every bit committed to being the inspiration in the life that it was
meant to live.
My Centre said this to me this morning: “The HEART of
HUMAN EXCELLENCE often begins to BEAT when you discover a PURSUIT that absorbs
you, Frees you, Challenges you, or gives you a sense of MEANING, joy or
passion.”- Terry Orlick – Addictedtosuccess.com
Harv says: “Wake up with DETERMINATION. Go to bed with SATISFACTION” (http://bit.ly/HarvEkerOnline)
And…a motivational poster from: www.lessonslearnedinlife.com: “I WANT
TO INSPIRE PEOPLE. I want someone to look at me and say ‘Because of you I didn’t
give up’”.
Pa Pa Pah Papapa…doo do do dooo do doooo….da da daa dada dahhh….
I want to inspire myself and South Africa to be better people. By
leading by example. Touching one life at a time. Being fully present. If I died
today, knowing that I made a difference in one person’s life…my life was a life
that was worth living. I would die happy. I would feel like I’ve accomplished
my mission in life. I added value to people’s lives…I served my purpose.
There have been several conversations happening during the course of
this week…Some stood out more than others.
What makes a good leader? Our country is currently in political turmoil…with
the once-was hogging the spotlight, with their complacency, and misdirected
goals, motivations and intentions. The pretence of bettering the society with
filling of their own pockets…Would the answer to complacency…be to replace the
current leadership with a newer, younger one? I don’t know. The young don’t
know what lies ahead of them…they don’t know if they will overcome the same
temptations that the current leadership of this country faces.
Yet…the young are dynamic, solution focused, they have a plan of action…whereas
the old…still try to live on the glory days of the past, and the promises that
never came into fruition. Despite their best intentions. Is it time for a
change…a temporary change so you get a break to recollect and learn…and take a
break from being criticized all the time….take a break from being disrespected by
a nation that is supposed to support you and abide by your ways of governance.
Someone told me this week…that if you keep being in a position of
power/leadership…and you give and give…you cannot be afforded the opportunity
to learn and grow. They have no one else’s mistakes to learn from, no one to
improve on.
They slide the slippery slip of denial…No, I’m fine. It will get better.
Being a leader all the time, does not allow for growth. Being no.1 is tiring…and
a lot of times, no.1 keeps looking behind their backs to see if the other guys
are coming after them. The fact of the matter is…number 1 needs to revisit
their values again….because South Africa needs something new and more
effective. But that’s all I know about politics (it doesn’t interest me so
A famous saying goes:
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man
to fish and
you feed him for a lifetime.” - Maimonides
The Bible (Mark 6:41-44) mentions a story about Jesus providing food to
5000+ people following him…
“Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he
gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to distribute
to the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. 42They all ate and were satisfied, 43and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of
broken pieces of bread and fish.44The number of the men who had eaten was five thousand.”
By looking at these two quotes…I understand the importance of mastering
the skill of fishing. Until you learn how to fish, sell, work…you won’t be able
to create a sustainable life for you and your family. Instead your palms will
be open waiting for the next handout…playing the victim. Waiting for someone to
come and save you. Do you know that it is very difficult to help people who do
not want to help themselves? I understand that…
People prey on human pity…and their generosity. But there is a line.
Social grants given to single mom’s were intended to be a good support for
those who did not have a choice. And yet…nowadays, South Africa faces the
situation where woman purposely fall pregnant, receive state grant and shove
the kid to the grandparents…using the money to buy clothes amongst others. What
a shame on society! An incentive to benefit the helpless has made the country
even more helpless. Abandoned children, the old who cannot even feed
themselves, and the young parents who keep searching for help because they lack
the faith that is required to work.
What is faith? Faith is believing in what you cannot see. So in the
Bible story above…the disciples/followers of Jesus were weary about Jesus’
situation. The 5000 people were hungry after following Jesus…now what? Was Jesus
attempt to feed this five thousand from a small basket of food an attempt at
comedy? Was Warren Buffet going to suddenly appear with baskets charitable
donations? Hmmm…
The task seemed a little bit too outrageous…and yet, through faith he
fed the hungry. Yes…of course it was a miracle. But any kind of Miracle does
not happen without a bit of faith. That is why Harv’s principle of
manifestation is so key. If you cannot clarify your intentions, how do you
expect a manifestation of your intentions in reality. The stronger the
intentions, the WHY’s, the stronger the manifestation. The people who love you,
will support you as you move heavens and earths to make sure you manifest your
dreams…live your purpose…
If you don’t have patience added to this…you may as well give up. Jokes!
Patience is a learnable skill. I used to be so patient because I never quite had
a set destination..so I just wandered through life.
Now that I have a destination, I walk with urgency, meaning and a sense
of…I don’t care about what the world thinks, kind of attitude. It’s pretty
awesome. The downside is that if the slow people in your way don’t understand
you, you need to practise a lot of patience. I’ve learned to just breathe, and
count from 1 onwards…1 2…3 4………5……until
my anger evaporates. It helps.
So why LAND of MILK & Honey? It was the land promised to Moses. Even
though he did not reach his final destination, he brought his people closer to
the dream…than they ever could be on their own. He believed in the unseen. He
was a great leader.
It is important to believe in the Promised Land. Yes…a lot of people don’t
know what their promised land should look like because they’ve stopped
imagining all possibilities. It doesn’t matter now…just believe and it will
happen. As long as you take responsibility for your own actions, and be happy
with your results. That’s basically what T.Harv Eker promotes (www.harveker.com/about/).
If you cannot believe in your own abilities…have someone
else do that for you, like how my counselling manager and partner and family
are doing. Sometimes you need someone else believe in you before you believe in
yourself. People see what you cannot see….But as Blair Singer (puts it…be weary
who you receive advice/feedback from(www.blairsinger.com/)…because
some people don’t look out for your best interest. It’s alright…Do an Elon Musk
and flip every negative feedback. (elonmusk.com/.)
Use the negative feedback to lead the industry, not hide and shy away from
See that Milk & Honey in the distant
future, and stalk walking towards it Seesta!
Donna is passing out…. Errrr….tomoro’s post!
Good night everyone J
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